The countdown to systemic change begins NOW...
The countdown to systemic change begins NOW...
If 2020 has been anything, it has been an indicator that we must take an active, engaged and aggressive role in our community. Being Black in America is fighting systemic oppression, racism and a global pandemic at the same time. In 100 days, on November 3rd, we VOTE. We vote for local representatives, statewide initiatives and a new president. Voting at every single level is important and this year we are paying attention to every race. Of course we will hear the opposition smear eligible Black candidates who are best for us and worst for them and although skin color does not permit an automatic vote, we will fully vet all candidates who are asking for our vote. What we do know to be true is that we have the power through our collective voices to shift the world.
For the next 100 days, leading up to the most pivotal election in our lifetime, The New Black Era will embark on a voter engagement campaign to make sure that our people not only register to vote but are educated on the importance of key campaigns locally and across the nation. As a nonprofit organization we cannot legally endorse a candidate, however we will share why certain candidates will better represent us. More importantly, we will issue a voter guide in October for you to make an educated decision that is best for you and your family. Understanding it all can be quite confusing, which is why we are here, this is good information that is free and for everyone. An educated voted is the biggest threat to system, for years politicians have banked on the Black vote without being held accountable- this is no longer acceptable. In this round, we are educating ourselves and our community to make a well-informed decision to elect officials who will truly represent us and remove those who are not.
Checking your registration status is the first step. We know voter suppression is real, so re-register if you need to but make sure you are registered. This year in California we are voting by mail, so check your mailbox for an address confirmation card.
The only way we can keep this going, is to make this social. Voting isn't private and the more we talk about it, the more comfortable we are with the conversation.Post a picture and tag @thenewblackera and use the #NBE100 to let us know you're with us.
There's more to come, but we will stop here, follow @thenewblackera on social media for updates and make sure that you stay engaged and keep fighting! In the words of the late and honorable Congresswoman John Lewis “Every generation leaves behind a legacy. What that legacy will be is determined by the people of that generation. What legacy do you want to leave behind?”